Since there are many different options to display my work, I am taking my time in getting a website up. I want to get the most (read - Best :) ) out of what I spend on a site. There are the usual suspects; Zenfolio and SmugMug. There is also BigBlackBag.com, but they charge $360 a year. With that kind of pricing, may as well pay a web designer since you pay once (usually other than the domain and such) to design a site and be done with it.
OCD also plays a role in the delay. I am a PERFECTIONIST on my work, and if I am NOT happy with the product, why would anyone else. I am now starting to realize that I am an above photographer, and my "post processing" skills are not bad. Funny thing is that I do very minimal work; I try to get as much technical stuff right "in camera" as I can. I am old school - learned photography with film, although I am 32 years young:).
Also, I get sometimes caught up in the amount of Flickr comments and 500px comments and ratings. It boils down to a popularity contest. A lot of the FLickr comments are "nice shot" or whatnot, and most people comment because you comment on theirs. So having less feedback reflects nothing on ones' skill level.
During my showing at the PDXRaw Artist showing, I had A TON of feedback and compliments on my prints; which is huge because print is THE FINAL PRODUCT. Photos can look good on web, but in print, those same "good looking" images can loose quality quickly. I was, ironically, uncomfortable with amount of attention my work was getting. This has to do with being the first time I was showing my work. In hindsight, it was so much fun, and I will be taking my work to the San Francisco and Orange County RAWArtist showings this spring. I think I would have more luck selling my stuff, as there really is no waterfalls or peaks in California :).
In any case, here is a new image I just finished. It looks WICKED in print. Anything I post is print worthy. I will also be offering my prints for sale matted, in case someone is wanting a high quality print! I will post prices soon, in case anyone even reads this:).
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