This shot is a single exposure, no blending. Also, no filters were used - as I have none. I was trying to get to the rock about 20 yards ahead of this vantage point. The problem is that over the last year or so, the ocean has eroded out the sand and thus the water is about a foot deeper than it used to be. So I decided to take a risk (un-calculated of course ) and get out as far as I could for a different comp. While shooting the second shot, a wave came in and my camera was half submerged in the Pacific.
You can see it is a bit out of focus, but that is due to me picking up the camera right before the exposure ended. It wasn't really a wave, but a surge of water. This is the second time my camera has come into contact with the Pacific. One reason why I will never buy anything less than a Canon 1 series! I don't expect to always be lucky, though. I am super lucky as I am not making any money on my photography (yet)....
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