Lately, I have been pretty busy that I haven't really been able to work on photos. I have gone out shooting the last 4 full days. Between that and work, not much time to post/work photos. Add in that it was a bit of work getting all the prints and stuff ready for the PDXRaw show...
Some of these images have been printed up, but I just haven't posted them online anywhere. Usually I post them here first and then over at 500px.com. I have found that website to help me decide what prints to get done in Metallic. Brian Kibbons (who I usually shoot with every Friday and Saturday) has prints done in gallery blocks and metallic wraps, and they look wicked good! I am impressed. His prints look 1000% better than his online shots. BTW, he is revamping his website. I told him the waterfall on his site needs to go :).
Getting back on track, here are some shots that I have taken over the past few weeks/months. I went out Friday ALL day (sunrise to sunset) and really don't have anything I am happy with. I will probably back them up and delete them from my Aperture Library. Yesterday I had some I was happy with, but on the last waterfall of the trip (we got a late start), I had some water on the lens that I didn't notice until I got home. Me being not the best with photoshop, I may just go back to that place and get more shots. Might be easier, even though there are no trails to these falls, and the falls have no name.
I should be getting some more shots up in the coming days. Stay tuned.
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